RELAXING EVENING AT HOME BY PAUL STARR David had invited Cindy over to his home for dinner. He served her spaghetti with his mother's secret meat sauce, tossed salad, garlic bread and for dessert a chocolate souffle. The meal went perfectly. After dinner David cleared the table while Cindy turned on some soft music. David had hoped Cindy would help with the dishes; but she didn't. Not wishing to neglect her, he left the dishes in the sink and returned to his guest. The two sat down on the couch, relaxed, took their shoes off and talked awhile. They discussed several subjects such as material they had learned in their college classes, gossip, and politics. Eventually David moved closer to Cindy and put his arm around her. She then kissed him with her tongue on the mouth. David then began massaging her nipples thru her blouse and very soon after had removed her blouse and bra. In the mean time Cindy had also been undressing David. She had taken off his shirt and begun unbuckling his pants. Then an unusual thought hit David. "Cindy should have offered to help with the dishes. She should be taught a lesson." David suddenly interrupted fore play and told Cindy to stand up which she did without really suspecting anything. He said to her, "You really should have offered to help with the dishes. I worked very hard to make a nice meal for you and you do not even have the courtesy to help with the clean-up." She replied, "I'm sorry David. I am thoughtless sometimes. You know I loved your dinner and I really love you." She was feeling a bit silly, standing there with her breasts exposed, being told off by the usually mild mannered man she had fallen in love with. "I happen to love you too. I think you need to be taught a lesson. Perhaps the best way to show you my love is teach you that lesson. You behaved tonight like a thoughtless little girl. Do you know what happens to thoughtless little girls?" "They get a good spanking." She had no idea what possessed her to say it. Some how she thought David was merely playing a game. "Exactly," said David, "now bend over my knee." Cindy put on a pouting face and said, "please don't spank me. I'll be good." Apparently she still thought he was only joking. "Bend over my knee now," said David sternly. Cindy laid herself across David's lap as she said to him, "not to hard please, Darling." David then reached under the twenty year old blonde's skirt and grabbed her panties; which he slowly and carefully pulled down along with her hosiery. He then eased the removed protective clothing off of her feet. He then began folding her skirt up as he lectured her on her thoughtlessness. He continued the lecture for a few minutes as he gazed at the exposed spankable bottom. Finally, after what must have been an eternity for Cindy, he lifted his hand and brought it down hard upon her left cheek. She screamed from the second of contact. She then realized that he was not joking. Before she could catch her breath, another slap came down upon her right cheek. David had to then tighten his grip as she struggled to be free. David said, "If you continue to struggle I'll be forced to use my belt," as he gave the teary eyed woman a third slap; this time upon the joint of her left thigh and buttock. The lesson continued for another three minutes in which time Cindy received around thirty spanks. Her bottom was left a deep crimson color. Also to her surprise, her pussy was very wet. She also noticed a bulge in David's half open pants. She decided she could be angry over the spanking later. For now she needed to have David inside her. She finished undressing her love while David untied her skirt and let it drop to the floor. He then picked her up and carried her in his arms to the bedroom. The two got into his queen size bed with Cindy in the superior position. Any other position would have been too painful considering the lesson she had just been given. They both reached climax almost simultaneously. It was the best orgasm either had ever experienced up till that time. They continued to lie together in bed for some time. David was on his back and Cindy was lying on her side with David's arm around her in a tight embrace. Finally Cindy gave David a big kiss on the cheek and said, "thank you for showing me your love." THE END! ---